Deck "Rookie reprints"

Rookie reprints
2010 - Football (Topps)
5 / 20 connues ( 25 % )

#Elway J. - ELWAY John,
QB des Broncos de Denver
Numero Équipe Joueur Rôle Complément
Rodgers A. Packers de Green Bay RODGERS Aaron QB
Elway J. Broncos de Denver ELWAY John QB
Marino D. Dolphins de Miami MARINO Dan QB
Johnson C. JOHNSON Chris
Dickerson E. DICKERSON Eric RB
Fitzgerald L. Cardinals de Arizona FITZGERALD Larry WR
Brady T. Patriots de New England BRADY Tom QB
Dorsett T. Cowboys de Dallas DORSETT Tony RB
Moss R. Vikings de Minnesota MOSS Randy
Jackson S. Rams de Saint Louis JACKSON Steven RB
Montana J. 49ers de San Francisco MONTANA Joe QB
Manning P. Colts de Indianapolis MANNING Peyton QB
Polamalu T. Steelers de Pittsburgh POLAMALU Troy S
Gore F. GORE Frank
Wayne R. WAYNE Reggie
Peterson A. PETERSON Adrian
Sayers G. SAYERS Gale
Lewis R. Ravens de Baltimore LEWIS Ray LB
Johnson A. JOHNSON Andre
Brees D. Saints de New Orleans BREES Drew QB

Cards are the same than the original except the year of production on back : 2010. Cards by name.