Deck "New England Patriots frito lay"

Numero Équipe Joueur Rôle Complément
Patrick M. Patriots de New England PATRICK Mike
Johnson A. Patriots de New England JOHNSON Andy
King S. Patriots de New England KING Steve
Lenkaitis B. Patriots de New England LENKAITIS Bill
Mac Cray P. Patriots de New England MAC CRAY Prentice
Mac Gee T. Patriots de New England MAC GEE Tony
Mac Kay B. Patriots de New England MAC KAY Bob
Moore A. Patriots de New England MOORE Arthur
Nelson S. Patriots de New England NELSON Steve
Neville T. Patriots de New England NEVILLE Tom
Owen T. Patriots de New England OWEN Tom
Hunt S. Patriots de New England HUNT Sam
Phillips J. Patriots de New England PHILLIPS Jess
Romaniszyn J. Patriots de New England ROMANISZYN Jim
Smith J. Patriots de New England SMITH John
Stingley D. Patriots de New England STINGLEY Darryl
Sturt F. Patriots de New England STURT Fred
Vataha R. Patriots de New England VATAHA Randy
Webster G. Patriots de New England WEBSTER George
Zabel S. Patriots de New England ZABEL Steve
Miller R. / Erhardt R. / Perkins R. / Dotsch R. Patriots de New England MILLER Red / ERHARDT Ron / PERKINS Ray / DOTSCH Rollie COACH / COACH / COACH / COACH
team photo Patriots de New England team photo
Cunningham S. Patriots de New England CUNNINGHAM Sam
Adams S. Patriots de New England ADAMS Sam
Barnes P. Patriots de New England BARNES Pete
Beaudoin D. Patriots de New England BEAUDOIN Doug
Bishop R. Patriots de New England BISHOP Richard
Briscoe M. Patriots de New England BRISCOE Marlin
Brock P. Patriots de New England BROCK Peter
Burcks S. Patriots de New England BURCKS Steve
Calhoun D. Patriots de New England CALHOUN Don
Chandler A. Patriots de New England CHANDLER Al
Conn D. Patriots de New England CONN Dick
Adams J. Patriots de New England ADAMS Julius
Forte I. Patriots de New England FORTE Ike
Fox T. Patriots de New England FOX Tim
Francis R. Patriots de New England FRANCIS Russ
Germany W. Patriots de New England GERMANY Willie
Gray L. Patriots de New England GRAY Leon
Grogan S. Patriots de New England GROGAN Steve
Hamilton R. Patriots de New England HAMILTON Ray
Hannah J. Patriots de New England HANNAH John
Haynes M. Patriots de New England HAYNES Mike
Howard B. Patriots de New England HOWARD Bob

Unnumbered. Cards measure 5" x 7" and a mention "compliments of frito lay" on the bottom.