Deck "New England Patriots frito lay"

Numero Équipe Joueur Rôle Complément
Hare E. Patriots de New England HARE Eddie
Tatupu M. Patriots de New England TATUPU Mosi
Smith J. Patriots de New England SMITH John
Pennywell C. Patriots de New England PENNYWELL Carlos
Owen T. Patriots de New England OWEN Tom
Nelson S. Patriots de New England NELSON Steve
Morgan S. Patriots de New England MORGAN Stanley
Lenkaitis B. Patriots de New England LENKAITIS Bill
Jordan S. Patriots de New England JORDAN Shelby
Johnson A. Patriots de New England JOHNSON Andy
Jackson H. Patriots de New England JACKSON Harold
Ivory H. Patriots de New England IVORY Horace
Hawkins M. Patriots de New England HAWKINS Mike
Adams J. Patriots de New England ADAMS Julius
Hannah J. Patriots de New England HANNAH John
Hamilton R. Patriots de New England HAMILTON Ray
Golic B. Patriots de New England GOLIC Bob
Francis R. Patriots de New England FRANCIS Russ
Cunningham S. Patriots de New England CUNNINGHAM Sam
Costict R. Patriots de New England COSTICT Ray
Clark A. Patriots de New England CLARK Allan
Cavanaugh M. Patriots de New England CAVANAUGH Matt
Bishop R. Patriots de New England BISHOP Richard
Beaudoin D. Patriots de New England BEAUDOIN Doug
Adams S. Patriots de New England ADAMS Sam

Unnumbered. Cards measure 3 7/8" x 5 3/4" and a mention "a winning team" on the bottom.