Deck "Sheets"

1994 - Football (Upper Deck)
0 / 4 connues ( 0 % )

Numero Équipe Joueur Rôle Complément
Super Bowl XXIX Super Bowl XXIX : autograph sheet from 26 to 29th of Jannuary 1995
Rookie class 1994 Rookie class 1994 : WILKINSON Dan / SHULER Heath / ALBERTS Trev / HILL Greg / FAULK Marshall / MORTON Johnnie / / / / /
Marino D. Dolphins de Miami MARINO Dan QB
Saint Louis Rams salutes Rams de Saint Louis GILBERT Sean / CARTER Kevin / BRUCE Isaac / BETTIS Jerome / MILLER Chris / CONLAN Shane / / / / /

These sheets (11" by 8 1/2" were distribued for the 1995 SUper Bowl card show.