Deck "Samples"

1994 - Football (Pinnacle)
0 / 11 connues ( 0 % )

Numero Équipe Joueur Rôle Complément
DP8 FLOYD William - last line "over would-be tacklers"
pick redemption pick Pinnacle redemption
ad card retail ad card retail
ad card hobby ad card
1 SANDERS Deion - last line "es for a 17.7 yards"
3 Lions de Detroit SANDERS Barry RB
24 GILBERT Sean - last line "mage to earn"
30 HARPER Alvin - last line "tions and scored"
32 THOMAS Derrick - last line "bles last season"
85 JETT James - drafted line "1-3/16"
214 LEVY Chuck - card # in white

Some cards have notable differences with the base cards, as notified.