Cards 101-150 are numbered to 1750, and the 151-185 to 850 and contain a relic. The 25 first cards between 151-175 are autographed.
Cards until 100 numbered to 10 ant the rest to 25.
The 25 first cards of the "ground hoggs shoe" are autographed and labeled "boss hogs". Relics are in simple or multi-colored. Some cards under 25 aren't signed but they are boss hogs labeled.
All cards are numbered to 125. The 25 first cards are autographed and labeled "boss hogs". Relics are in simple or multi-colored.
Cards 1-16 are numbered to 825; cards 17-34 to 550 and the rest to 275. Some cards are autographed and notified under the subset "leather and laces autographed" and are the 25 first cards.
Numbered to 25 or are the first 25 cards of the "leather and laces" set.
With my information, 92 differents helmets were avalaible. You've 2 #40 (Charlie Joiner and Gerard Warren) but no #84.
The first 25 cards between 151 and 185 of the base set (and numbered to 850) are autographed.
cards TT1-TT19 are numbered to 300 and the relic is a jersey; cards TT20-TT30 are numbered to 50 and are gloves; TT31-TT40 are numbered to 125 and the relics are the face-mask; and TT41-TT50 are numbered to 100 and relics are the pant. The first 25 first of some cards are autographed and notified in a separate checklist.
The first 25 cards of the cards below were autographed.