Base set

0 / 185 connues ( 0 % )


Cards 101-150 are numbered to 1750, and the 151-185 to 850 and contain a relic. The 25 first cards between 151-175 are autographed.

Base set - spectrum

0 / 185 connues ( 0 % )


Cards until 100 numbered to 10 ant the rest to 25.

Ground boss hoggs shoe

0 / 50 connues ( 0 % )


The 25 first cards of the "ground hoggs shoe" are autographed and labeled "boss hogs". Relics are in simple or multi-colored. Some cards under 25 aren't signed but they are boss hogs labeled.

Ground hoggs shoe

0 / 50 connues ( 0 % )


All cards are numbered to 125. The 25 first cards are autographed and labeled "boss hogs". Relics are in simple or multi-colored.

Leather and laces

0 / 50 connues ( 0 % )


Cards 1-16 are numbered to 825; cards 17-34 to 550 and the rest to 275. Some cards are autographed and notified under the subset "leather and laces autographed" and are the 25 first cards.

Leather and laces autographed

0 / 10 connues ( 0 % )


Numbered to 25 or are the first 25 cards of the "leather and laces" set.

Mini helmet autographed

0 / 92 connues ( 0 % )


With my information, 92 differents helmets were avalaible. You've 2 #40 (Charlie Joiner and Gerard Warren) but no #84.

Rookie premiere materials autographed

0 / 35 connues ( 0 % )


The first 25 cards between 151 and 185 of the base set (and numbered to 850) are autographed.

Tools of the trade

0 / 50 connues ( 0 % )


cards TT1-TT19 are numbered to 300 and the relic is a jersey; cards TT20-TT30 are numbered to 50 and are gloves; TT31-TT40 are numbered to 125 and the relics are the face-mask; and TT41-TT50 are numbered to 100 and relics are the pant. The first 25 first of some cards are autographed and notified in a separate checklist.

Tools of the trade autographed

0 / 10 connues ( 0 % )


The first 25 cards of the cards below were autographed.