Cleveland Browns - Fisher Food

0 / 10 connues ( 0 % )

NFL team cards

Unnumbered cards (8 1/2" by 10 1/2"). Same than the team issue of 1954 excepted the sponsor on the bottom.

Cleveland Browns - team issue

0 / 8 connues ( 0 % )

NFL team cards

unnumbered cards (8" by 10").

Los Angeles Rams - Burgemeister beer

0 / 2 connues ( 0 % )

NFL team cards

Cards are team photos : one for 1953 and the second for 1954. Ad on the back; unnumbered.

Los Angeles Rams - team issue

0 / 36 connues ( 0 % )

NFL team cards

Cards measure 4 1/4" x 6 3/8" and black bordered. Player'signature on the lower side. Unnumbered cards. Some cards are same for more than one year but the information on back are differents.

San Francisco 49ers - Burgermeister beer team photo

0 / 1 connues ( 0 % )

NFL team cards

Color photography (6 1/4" by 9") with 49ers and sponsor logos on front.