Edited as a newspaper page during the season.
A photo (4" 1/4 by 5" 1/2) with a facsimile autograph, unnumbered and blankbacked.
Each measures 6" x 9", unnumbered and backblanked. An album exists to classify these photos.
Cards measure 5" by 7", and are unnumbered and blankbacked.
Each sheet measures 8" by 10", is unnumbered and blankbacked.
Each card measures 7 1/4" by 10". Same set than 1976. To separate cards, see NFL experience as notified.
Used as coupon for a burger, these 4 cards measure 2 1/2" by 3 7/16".
Each unnumbered and backblanked sheet measures 8" by 10" and may counts until 15 players on.