photos (8" x 10"), blankbacked and unnummbered.
3 cards with a different team on : high school, college and pro team. A promo card was produced too without number.
This perfored sheet (8 1/2" x 7") was distribued during all the 1995 season.
Edited as a newspaper page during the season.
Unnumbered cards with Kemper mutual logo on front.
These sheets (around 8" by 10") were edited during the 1995 season and inserted in gameday program. Unnumbered.
8 numbered cards and 8 unnumbered coins and a sheet with all cards produced for the set.
Unnumbered cards measure 2 1/2" by 3 1/2".
Sponsored by Larry Fritsch cards and the firemen.
4 strips with 3 players each. Unnumbered.
A 22kt gold notation on the front bottom.
10.000 cards exist for each player.
EAch sheet (a view of the stadium) measures 8" by 10" & was inserted in program.