Backblanked and unnumbered cards (5" by 7").
Unnumbered cards (8" x 10"), backblanked.
Each card measures 8 1/2" by 11 1/2". Unnumbered.
"Quarterback Club Brownie card" written in front of cards, and the sponsor on the bottom side. Cards brown & white. Each photo measures 2 1/2" by 3 9/16".
Unnumbered blank-backed cards. Each cards measure 8 1/2" by 10 1/2" and the player's name and position are in a small white block on the bottom of the photo.
Unnumbered cards with a facsimile autograph accross the image. Blank back cards. Each card measures 6 1/8" by 9".
Each unnumbered photos measure 5" by 7".
Each card measures 7 3/4" by 9 1/2" with thin white border.
Cards measure 5" by 7" and are unnumbered and blankbacked.
Mainly Cleveland Browns and Pittsburgh Steelers players. The ad on back for the album required one and not 2 labels to be sent.
1 photo by year since 1957 to 1961.
Each card measures 5" by 7". A black photo with, below, the position, name and team. A brief bio on back except for the coaches. Unnumbered.
Each measures 5" by 7", back blank, unnumbered.
Each card measures 5" by 7". A large white band around a B/W photo with information below. Not numbered.
Backblanked, unnumbered, each card measures 5" by 7".
8"x11 backblanked photos. Notification of the photographer; borderless photos.
Each card (5" by 7") is blankbacked and unnumbered.
Front of these cards (2" by 3") offer a short bio, a large photo. On back, a XETV sponsor and the rules to receive a Golden tulip premium card. Unnumbered.
Card (8" by 10") offered with Golden tulip "base" set if mailed. Facsimile autograph and logo below. Unnumbered.
Color photography (6 1/4" by 9") with 49ers and sponsor logos on front.
Photographies (8" by 10") with information below.
Each card measures 5" by 7" backblanked.