b&w photos (8" x 10"), blankbacked and unnummbered.
These posters (14" by 21 1/2") were inserted in the newspaper; unnumbered.
Photos (7" by 8 "/4") are backblanked and unnumbered.
Each photo measures 8" by 10" and are similar to the team issues of 1973 and 1974. See notifications.
Each B&W card measurs 4 1/2" by 7" with name and tean on front below. Back is blank and unnumbered.
Each photo (5" by 6" 1/2) is unnumbered and blankbacked.
A lid by team but some of these have variations, as for Oilers, Rams and Redskins.
Cards measure 4" by 5", and are unnumbered and blankbacked.
Cards measure 5" by 7", and are unnumbered and blankbacked.
A photo on front, and on back, a short biography and stats. Each card measures 7 1/4" by 10". Unnumbered.
The helmet logo is in red for the 1971 set (blue for the 1970).
Colored 5" by 7" photos, unumbered and backblanked.
Same "cards" that the team issue set except the biography on back, and the postcard lines. Unumbered.
4 players by sheet (8" x 10"). Unnumbered.
Produced between 1971 and 1976. Some players have differents photos. Photos with a portrait (in a circle) included. Unnumbered and backblanked.
Unnumbered photos. team and name on lower side.
Each postcard measures 5 3/4" by 8 7/8". Backs are as a postcard with information about the player. Unnumbered.
Set similar in 1967, 1968 and 1971. The 1967 set is a little bit smaller than the others (8" by 11") for 8 1/2" by 11" for the rest.
Very similar to the 1971 set except differences notified after player'name. Unnumbered.
Each photo measures 8" by 10" & has a stamp on back with the player's name. Yellow helmets for player (the 1973 team issue not).
The 1971 & 1972 are pretty the same sets except for some cards.
Earl Morrall and Mark Washington on cover.